Providing Quality, Compassionate, Care, When Needed Most

Trainings, News, and Events

April is Autism Awareness Month!

Kelley McDougal, Paramedic and member of Indian River Ambulance Service led the effort to make sure that Jefferson County first responders had the proper equipment and education by purchasing Carter Kits to assist the neurodivergent community.

Thank you to Stewart's Shops and private donors for funding this project!

IRAS Ice Capades and Weenie Roast

February 11th we had the Indian River Ambulance Ice Capades and Weenie Roast! Training in the dark, snow and ice and then had weenies and Smores to rewarm. Members had to stabilize and safely move a patient [Mr. Hoseman] from deep in a snow bank. Then they had to treat a patient with severe asthma attack. This was difficult because the patient had driven off the road and rendered his vehicles doors to be jammed. Treatment was through the window. Finally there was a patient entrapped in a vehicle who needed to be extricated after the fire department cut the car away. We thank Michael Reed and Philadelphia Fender Menders for donating the SUV. Jeff Countryman and Countrymans Wrecker for bringing the SUV and taking it away. And thanks to Philadelphia Fire Department Chief Travis Donelson and Firefighter Jesse James for bringing Mr. Hoseman and cutting the SUV and teaching the extrication.

8/11/2021 the six members pictured behind the IRAS ambulance were among dozens who participated in a drill on Fort Drum. 

We are pleased that our Headquarters could be used for the pre-briefing location for the exercise. This was an exercise to develop emergency management procedures, inter-agency coordination and communication. The planned scene simulated a helicopter explosion.

Observers stated that all involved learned much.

We thank Fort Drum for inviting us to participate with such an exercise.

We appreciate Assemblyman Mark Walczyk for stopping by to visit our station and taking the time out of his busy schedule to discuss the many problems facing Emergency Medical Services today and possible solutions to those problems.

We were honored to pay tribute to the EMS providers who have suffered the tragedy of Line of Duty Death at the EMS Memorial Ceremony in Albany on 9/30/21.

There is growing concern about the welfare of EMS providers across the Nation and in NY. Many suffer quietly from depression, anxiety and PTSD. Many providers have taken their own lives. While many others have attempted, or thought of suicide. Many have been assaulted physically and verbally while doing their jobs this year and that problem is getting worse. We ask you join us to think of all of the EMS providers who are integral part of the fabric of the NYS Healthcare System. They have worked tirelessly through the pandemic as well as narcotic overdose epidemic and continue do so, honorably, stoically, and with humility. All while being underfunded, under compensated, and understaffed.

We offer our people, and our contemporaries across the State this prayer.

Our people, this includes all EMS, are what make us work.

God Bless Our People.

EMS Prayer

As I perform my duty,

Whatever be the call.

Help to guide and keep me safe,

From dangers big and small.

I want to serve and do my best,

No matter what the scene.

I pledge to keep my skills refined,

My judgement quick and keen.

This calling to give of myself

Most do not understand,

But I stand ready all the time,

To help my fellow man.

To have the chance to help a child,

Restore their laugh with glee.

A word of thanks I might not hear,

But knowing is enough for me.

The praise of men is fine for some,

But I feel truly blessed,

That you, oh Lord, have chosen me,

To serve in EMS.